Catch up on everything new in G Suite for Education from May to September 2018! We’ve had a few months off posting our monthly G Suite update so there are plenty of new features to learn about.

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Google for Education Tuesday Tips!

Google G Suite for Education “Tuesday Tips” is a weekly spotlight on Google’s education tools. Unfortunately, we can’t take credit for this one. Google for Education #GoogleEdu share tips to help teachers with Google Classroom and Google Forms. These tips are released every Tuesday, and they come in the form of a published Google Slide deck (see embedded slides below).

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Students and Staff at Barton Peveril now have access to Adobe Spark Premium. You can use Spark to create graphics, web pages, and videos in minutes with access to the premium features.

To start using your membership, go to just sign in using your college email address and password. If you’ve already signed into Google G Suite you shouldn’t have to login again. For more details on how to access spark watch our video below.

Adobe Spark enables you to get great looking results quickly. The three tools, Post, Page, and Video, cover most content types, removing the technical barriers and getting you straight to the result. Students will like using this as they can create great looking posts, pages, and videos without worrying about the tools they are using. Teachers will find this useful for creating presentations and eye catching images for course sites, without spending much time on production.

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