It’s important to make sure you and your data are safe online, go through our helpful tips to make sure your online presence isn’t at risk.

Let’s start with USB sticks!
Why shouldn’t you use USB Sticks?

USB’s can be useful but there are dangers to using them. They can contain and transfer viruses from computer to computer. They are small, easily lost and they break easily. Once a USB stick is lost or stops working, your data is gone.

Where should I store my data?

Google Drive or another Cloud Storage service. It’s available on almost any internet-enabled device and the services have provisions in place so there are backups easily available meaning you have instant access to your files and don’t have to carry anything extra around.

Social Media

Select an icon below to learn some tips on staying safe with that app.


What makes a strong password?

  • More than 8 characters. Ideally more than 16.
  • A mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols.
  • Doesn’t include any personal information.
  • A password that you have never used before.
  • Completely unique to each website.

Bank Security

Be careful when using Online Banking, this section goes through the following topics:

  • How to check if you are on a secure website.
  • How to avoid financial scams.
  • What scams to look out for.
  • How to report financial scams.

Email security

Emails are one of the biggest ways to fall victim to fraud.

Top Tips:

  • Check for spelling mistakes.
  • Check where the email came from.
  • Hover your mouse over links.
  • Don’t download any attachments.

Anti-virus software

Antivirus Software is made to detect and remove viruses from your device.

What do VIruses do?

  • Your files may not open
  • Your device becomes too slow or stops working
  • Decreased battery life
  • Your personal information has been taken
  • Purchases being made without your knowledge

Social Engineering

Spam – Random emails, often containing malware.

Spear Phishing – A criminal who uses information about you to gain your trust and trick you into giving away bank details etc.

Baiting – Leaving a USB stick with malware on it lying around, hoping someone will use it.

Dumpster Diving –  Criminals rooting through rubbish bins to find confidential information about you.

Shoulder Surfing – Someone looks over your shoulder to see your password.