Oxford Dictionaries

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Oxford Dictionaries has over 350,000 words from the English language.

Oxford Dictionaries are generally considered the go-to resource for spelling, definitions and synonyms. Their website provides free access to the largest current English language dictionaries and thesaurus as well as a host of helpful tips on grammar, usage, spelling and more. It also includes audio pronunciations of words too.

Their website is fully optimized for mobile devices so you can add a bookmark/shortcut to their website to your homepage as if it were an app. The best bit about this is that the website will update instantly with any changes whereas an app you might have to wait a few days for updates. You can do this on your phone by following the steps for Android or iOS.

They also have an interesting blog too where you can find out what the acronym SHAT stands for or the origin of the phrase ‘Turn over a new leaf’.


The Oxford Dictionaries don’t have their own app, they update the website regularly with the idea that you are best to add the bookmark to your phone home screen and access the website to find what you need.

However, there are apps created from their webpages by a third party company called mobisystems. This company are licensed by the OD to create these apps so if you do spot one of the apps, make sure it is created by this company.

You can find the Oxford English Dictionary apps on the app store for Android and iOS devices.

It’s worth noting though that while the apps are free, they may have additional purchased involved for extra features. For example, you don’t get the audio pronunciation in the free apps.

This company also produce other apps for Oxford Dictionaries including Oxford Thesaurus, Oxford American Dictionary and other languages such as Oxford French, Russian and Thai to name a couple.

You can find a full list of apps created using the Oxford Dictionary content here.

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