When working with Adobe Premiere Pro, it’s essential that you have a handle on where you have stored your footage; you can’t blindly drag photos, audio files, and videos into the application without first making sure they’re in the right place. This will ensure that they’re in a safe place, that your computer and application can get to reliably.
We’ve already discussed that the ideal place to store your video is on the V: drive.
While you’re entirely in charge of how you store your files inside of your V: drive, here’s what we’d suggest;
1] Make a sensibly named folder for your project on the V: drive.
2] Download, move, or copy your audio and video assets into this folder.
Take note that what you’re doing here is preparing your footage for use in an edit. You’re moving it to a safe, sensibly named location, and this is an entirely separate step you should go through before even opening your editing application up – this is good practise that you’d see digital video editors and artists use out in the real world.
Always make sure that footage has finished copying over to the V: drive before you start adding it into a premiere project.