Google Slides – Embed a Timer

In some lessons, you might want to let the conversation flow but others you might want to set a time limit on discussions. You might want to give the students 5 minutes to do a specific piece of work but sometimes get distracted and lose track of the time. You can easily embed a timer straight into your Google Slides presentation to help manage class time better.

It’s not exactly a function of Slides but fortunately, there’s a hack for that!

  1. Open your Google Slides presentation.
  2. Navigate to the slide where you want the timer.
  3. Click on “Insert” in the top toolbar, then select “Video.”
  4. Choose “YouTube” from the search options
  5. In the search bar, type “countdown timer” or if you have already found the one you would like to use, copy the url from the youtube video and paste it in the search bar and press Enter.
  6. You’ll see various countdown videos.exclamation Choose the one that suits your needs and click “Insert.”
  7. The timer will appear on your slide. Resize and reposition it as needed.

Additional options

  • Right-click the video and select “Format options.”
  • In the “Video playback” section, choose your preferred playback mode:
  • “Play (on click)” – to start the video when clicked.
  • “Play (automatically)” – for the video to start automatically when the slide appears.
  • “Play (manual)” – to control the play manually during the presentation.
  • Optional settings include muting the audio and setting specific start and end times.