In the last year or so Google have overhauled their Tasks system, taking it from a standalone web app to more of an integrated Google Workspace tool. Tasks allows you to create multiple To Do lists that you can view from most Google Web apps and in dedicated Android or iOS apps.
How to find Google Tasks
In a file in Docs, Sheets, Slides or in Gmail or Calendar you can find the sidebar on the right hand side.
Simply use the little arrow at the bottom of the screen to reveal or hide the sidebar.

Then click on Task Icon (shown below) to open the Tasks window.

Create a task
- Click Add a task.
- Enter a task.
- To add details or a due date, click Edit.
- When you’re done, click Back.
Tip: To rearrange your tasks, click More > My order. Drag the tasks.

Create a list
- At the top, click the Down arrow.
- Click Create a new list.
- Enter a name.
- Click Done.

Switch between lists
- At the top, click the Down arrow.
- Click the list you want.
- The tick will indicate which list you are currently on
Rename a list
- Click on the List you want to rename
- Click on the three vertical dots
- Click Rename list.
- Enter a name.
- Click Done.

Organize your tasks
Reorder your tasks
- Click and hold a task and move it where you want.
Sort tasks by due date
- Click More.
- Under “Sort by,” click Date.

Move a task to a different list
- Click the task you want to move. Then, click the three vertical dots.
- Click the list name you want to move the task to. The tick indicates what list the task is currently in.

Find or hide completed tasks
- To see completed tasks, next to “Completed,” click the Right arrow.
- To hide, click the Down arrow.

Delete a task or list
Delete a task
- On the task you want to delete, click three vertical dots.
- At the top, click Delete.
- To cancel, click Undo.

Delete a list
- At the top, click the Down arrow.
- Then, choose the list you want to delete.
- Click the three vertical dots.
- Click Delete list.
Reminder: You can not delete the default list, the default list is named ‘My Tasks’