Google Classroom – Comment Bank

The Comment Bank allows you to write a set of comments that you can easily click and add to student assignments without having to type them out each time.

You have 2 ways to add comments to the comment bank.

Enter a comment directly into the comment bank
  1. Open a student assignment in the grading tool.
  2. In the top-right of the document, in the toolbar, click Comment bank.
  3. Click Add to bank and enter your comment.
  4. After entering your comment, click Add. This is now in your comment bank.

Add an existing comment to the comment bank
  1. Open a student assignment in the grading tool.
  2. Go to the comment you wrote and wish to add into the comment bank.
  3. In the top-right corner of the comment box, click the three vertical dots and select Add to comment bank.
  4. (Optional) Edit your comment.
  5. Click Add.

Note: To view and modify your comment bank, open an assignment or go to the comment bank manager.